Depp at Tellaq

This Johnny Depp inspired avatar is available in the lucky chair at Tellaq. With your own choice of clothing and hair, this skin and shape can easily be used to roleplay in any genre.

Here I've dressed him in one of the many outfits available in the lucky chair at Vigo. As always, Vigo provides multiple wear options and accessories.

Skin, Shape and Eyes: "Depp Avatar" lucky chair at Tellaq
Outfit: "Thorvaldslander firgreen" lucky chair at Vigo
Hair: "Exile Knight Brownsugar" free at Savoir Hair

Ready for Spring

Spring is the time of year when many people start to crave color.

The spring group gift from Aimesi, this skin with butterflies on the face, is a perfect example of that. It comes in four skin tones, just wear your group tag and visit Aimesi and click the group gift sign.
When paired with this sunny turian camisk from the lucky chair at Gutterpup and one of the hair styles available in the lucky chairs at Vixen and you are ready to for the season. Turian camisks are versatile in that they can double as bathing suits if you prefer a beach to a gorean RP sim.
Skin: "Tami Caramel Face Spring" group gift available at Aimesi
Hair: "Angellica - Flame" lucky chair prize at Vixen
Outfit: "My turian Camisk Yellow" lucky chair prize at Gutterpup

You can't really do spring without flowers. Roawenwood's contribution to the Celebrating Gaia hunt, this meditation garden complete with pillows, will take care of that for you.

Find out more about the Celebreating Gaia hunt at the official website.


There is a small Easter Egg at Frick. There are 8 eggs in total, 7 of which are skins from the Dream line. Skin tones ranging from tan through chocolate and into fantasy inspired colors all with unique dramatic makeups.

Eyes: "Spring Meadow" new gift from Poetic Colors.
Hair: "Tapered Bob" from Truth that you already have! There are several hairstyles in various colors in your SL Library under Accessories and then Hair Design Options.

The non skin gift from the hunt at Frick is this Easter inspired mini dress.

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