25L Tuesdays

If you haven't heard about 25L Tuesdays yet you really should subscribe by clicking this sign in any store you see displaying it. The following Monday you will get a notecard like this.

Each Tuesday, 10 vendors will place an item in their mainstore marked for sale at 25L. This special item will be something from the store marked down, an exclusive item, or a special edition item. To receive a list of the 10 participating stores each week, subscribe to the 25L Tuesday group via a Subscribe-O-Matic kiosk located in one of the stores listed below!

Below is the list of participating vendors in this week's 25LT!!!!! The event begins at 12:00 am and ends at 11:59 pm SLTime on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. Enjoy the goodies and tell all of your friends to join too!

1. Surrealizm - alika Yue

Little Tasta - etana Vella

!Enchilada! Outfitters - Erika Celt

On A Lark - Discovering Destiny

Forgotten Earth Design - Jilli Amaterasu

Smashin Fashion - embyr Delight/Jasmine Brumer

btb slavewear - Aliah Morane

.:TNT:. Tarts and Teases - Miss Sixpence

Free Woman Finds - Kismet Dyrssen / Larkie Mistwalker

Inara's Fantasy Couture - InaraSerra Jewell

I don't know what the 25L items are this week. By the time I get them it's too late to show you here. Join the group to get the list each week. Support your favorite Gorean vendors and discover new ones all while saving some money.


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